Many businesses are attempting to take steps towards sustainability. Ultimately, sustainability is a chief concern for us all, especially as the effects of climate change become more noticeable. Not only does sustainability impact the environment positively; it also can have a positive effect on how much you spend on your business. Sustainable products are often easier to reuse, and the more you can reuse and recycle products, the less you will need to budget for new ones.

In many different industries, skids are necessary for storage and organizational purposes. Though skids can be made of several types of materials, one of the most popular materials is wood. The question is: how sustainable are wood skids?

Lower Carbon Footprint

You may have concerns about the sustainability of the wood skid, considering the fact that trees need to be used to create them. For one thing, there were actually 119% more trees in 2007 than there were in 1953, with a growth to removal ratio of 2.0. Furthermore, there is something to consider about the fact that wood skids have a smaller carbon footprint than other types of skids. Specifically, those that are heat-treated. In fact, they incur a carbon footprint that is 20-30% lower than those treated with methyl bromide fumigation.


It is true that plastic skids last longer than wood skids. But woods skids can last for quite a while and then be broken down to make new wooden products, including new wood skids. Additionally, plastic skids still have a greater carbon footprint. Plastic costs more money to break down than fuel, which further decreases its sustainability.

Wood skids can also be broken down and used as fuel. Wood chips are actually the cheapest heat energy sources available, and unlike many other fuel sources, it is actually sustainable.

There are so many reasons why you should consider using wood skids en masse as opposed to plastic skids. Again, these products have a lower carbon footprint; they can be reused and converted into reconditioned pallets. Finally, they can be converted into fuel. In many cases, a wood skid costs less outright than a plastic skid, With all of this in mind, there is no reason to use a plastic skid when a wood skid is available. Consider switching to wood skids. They may lessen your environmental impact significantly.